Greenwood Cemetry

These photographs are from Greenwood Cemetery. Greenwood Cemetery is 478 spectacular acres of hills, valleys, glacial ponds, and paths, throughout which exists one of the largest outdoor collections of nineteenth- and twentieth-century statuary and mausoleums.  I have spent many hours photographing Greenwood. I took my first photography class in greenwood cemetery  and took my first serious photograph there.

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Coney Island

Coney Island is changing; some say for the better. I say, “it remains to be seen”. I love Coney Island back when,vintage Coney Island with its atmospheres of carnival and circus side shows. I have been photographing Coney Island since the 1980, and some of my work shows photographs of Coney Island unique artistry never to be seen or taken again

Brooklyn Fuggedaboutit

Riding the C Train

Riding the c train